As part of my final outcome I have previously designed in InDesign The layout for mostly each photoshoot I have produced prior to my trip to Norway. For these outcomes, which were explorational and adventurous, I printed them from the layout created in InDesign. Once I had all the pages printed I folded them in the middle and stapled them in the middle. then sing a ruler and a craft knife I cut off the white border which was best visible against the coloured covers, and my zines were completed.

Bellow I have represented how the final layout of these zines turned out, both externally and internally, showing the contents of each one, page by page.
No.01 (frogging)

No.02 (sand dunes and St. Aubin)

No.03 (Hotel)

No.04 (tunnel)

Overall I am happy with every zine and how it turned out. It was a simple and quick way to present my outcomes. As I had a large number of photographs I wished to present I am happy I chose this method of presentation as It made it easier for me to group the best outcomes from each photoshoot together. I had a feeling that if I presented all of them together in a single book, the images wouldn’t relate to each other as much, as every photoshoot has a different atmosphere to it. I like how each zine focuses on a different subject, but overall the theme of exploring is evident through the pictures. Each photoshoot challenged me in different ways, like when photographing in darker places like the tunnel and hotel, I had to dramatically change the setting to where I was photographing, in contract of photographing the sand dunes and St. Aubin, where the lighting was dramatic due to the sun setting and there was a high contrast in light and dark values. Therefore I have been challenged to not only explore but to see the world around me through a different lens, though all the photoshoot I noticed that exploring, and seeing something from a different or new perspective, has a great impact on physical and mental wellbeing. Regarding the themes : observe , seek and challenge, I wouldn’t have produced successful outcomes without observing the environment around me through a different motive, and seeking adventures with exploration along side it.