Final Book

To represent my final outcomes which were in the book, I took pictures of every page, one by one, so that they are in the correct order.


To me the first pages, the cover and the inner first page have a lot of clues about what is the book about, as well as the project. The title, No. 05, is drawn to match the font and fit with the rest of the zines. Same with the colour of the cover, the bright orange is done so the intensity of the colours matches, as most of the colours of the zines are florescent. Together they all fit into this playful theme, almost childlike. As I said before the thread and the inner cover match as they are intentionally both black, which to me fits well with the orange as well as the title. When opening the book the first thing the viewer seen is a question: Ready for Adventure?, this is hand written in a spikey, scribble-like format. I chose to write this in this format as I thought that the messiness of it suits the lifestyle of traveling and exploring, where most is unplanned and experimental. The title invites the viewer inside the book, and giving clues of what it is truly about. Because of this text it is easier to put the pieces together to what the theme of the book might be.

I think the book also has many connotations, explored through the montaging of the images as well as the layout. The layout tells a story, throughout the book. This book is a collection of various trips, however the layout put the narrative together, by having the images displayed in the order of events. Starting by showing more archival images, and ending with the most recent. The montage of some of the images, to me, shows this curiosity and seeking for something, as the images are in pieces and “incomplete”, it is like the viewer is invited to puzzle them together, to explore them, exactly like it was necessary for me to explore in order to produce the images.

In summery, every image challenges to observe it through a curious mood, to me the book is quite experimental as I have never done a hand made book which involved me to saw the pages together, but not only being an experiment it is a book documenting my journeys. It shows the viewer to have a different outlook on the world and I wish it motivates one to seek their goals, for this instance if it be traveling.

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