Final Prints

Below are the 9 images I have sent off to the print folder, I have six images in A5, two in A4 and one in A3. I plan on making two boards presenting my images with the different sized images in different layouts.

My plan is to make two outcomes with images. Both of which will be mounted up on black board, one will have the first 5 images below on. This is because they were all from the same photoshoot, taken in the same area and also all have the same theme of this abandoned building so I feel it makes sense to put those together. On the second board will have the last 4 images shown below. These are more rural places, they aren’t from the same photoshoot, however they all have a common feature which is nature and showing how its taken over these places.

I decided to print these images as I feel they are the most successful from my shoots and strongly represent my theme of seek in multiple ways. Also, as the theme of my project was abandoned/derelict buildings and places, a lot of my images were either very green coloured, as nature tends to grow over these places; or just dull in general. However, these images were the brightest and most interesting out of them all, therefore I’m boarding up these ones.

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