My photobook layout is inspired by Tamara Liechtenstein and her book created on Blurb, with one photo per page, with some photos on a double page spread, however instead of having a white boarder I am going to do a mixture of sizes and fittings, come of the images are going to be full bleed whilst others have a white boarders around it. I have created my photobook this way as I believe it will hook the audience in, as there is different shapes and sizes as it isn’t just one size and just landscape photographs compared to Tamara Liechtenstein’s book although the images are what has inspired me to create this book I find the layout too simplistic and repetitive as there is no differentiation through out the book therefor I have broken that in my book by changing it up and doing different sizes and landscape and portrait photographs.
My photobook is based on femininity and the male gave which is a theory created by Laura Mulvey. The male gaze refers to the way women are objectified by the camera lens in Hollywood movies because men are in control of the production process and make decisions that appeal to their own values and interests. The audience, including women, are then positioned to accept this narrow representation. However even though my images follow the idea of the male gaze however, I challenge this idea as I am a female taking these photographs, which suggests it isn’t only just males who see females in a certain way other women do the same to observe and sometimes even challenge them self’s to look the way other women look in photographs. The femininity part of the book is that the girls in my book have the confidence to pose in front of the camera and portray the conventions of women being beautiful and elegant which I believe reflects well on my photographs.
3 words to describe my book: Femininity, girl hood, exploring.
One sentence to describe my book: exploring femininity through the male gaze, and glorifying girl hood.