Photoshoot Plan- Tunnel&hotel


  • Who- Since I am planning on going to both of the locations with my friends, some images might include them, however it wouldn’t be my main focus
  • What- Both of the locations are within a limited space, therefore they aren’t open spaces, I would focus on the subjects within them. because I have never been to these locations so I will approach it in an exploring way, and capture my discovery experience.
  • Where- this photoshoot consists of 2 different locations which are quite far apart from each other, one is near the centre of the island where the war tunnels were built, however some are closed of and dangerous due to rack falls, therefore we will need to be careful, next location is an abandoned hotel near the bay, which is in a closed space rather than an opened one, with this location we should be careful of broken glass, mold etc.
  • When- inside the tunnels there wont be any other light course except the ones we bring ourselves, however when it comes to the hotel we will have to do it preferably during daytime so we can get the most we can of the external light
  • How- using the digital camera I will have to use flash as it will be very dark in the tunnels and for most of the hotel rooms etc. except from a camera flash we have a limited amounts of torches.
  • Why– It will be a great adventure and will get me out of my comfort zone, I also think that the outcomes will be quite discovery photographs, due to me exploring places I have never been to this links to my main idea of adventure and travel.

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