Photoshoot plan St. Aubin



  • What– The objects I will photograph are mainly mam-made during this photoshoot, as I explore St. Aubin which has elements of the harbour, building, shops and beach, there are many different subjects within that are but main ones I will photographs are definitely going to be boats and buildings.
  • Who- I don’t want to photograph strangers, but I occasionally might use my friend which is joining me on this photoshoot to stage some photographs of us exploring this area.
  • Where– St. Aubin which is a popular tourist destination, this area consists of the harbour near the buildings and the beach which is located near, it is a popular tourist point as it consists of many beautiful views on the bay as well as it involving buildings imbedded with history.
  • When– During day time, when the sun is near to setting, because of its location the sun setts behind the building, therefore it would need to photograph the building before the sun sets, however when it does start setting, the golden hour might enhance the contrast of the sun and shadows.
  • How– When photographing in-between the building , and closer to the subjects I should increase shutter speed, to capture more detail and photographs don’t come out blurry. however when photographing a higher contrast between lights and darks I might focus more on ISO to ensure the photographs don’t come out over or under exposed.
  • Why– As I haven’t lived here my whole life, I was once a tourist myself, therefore I want to reconnect with how I would see the place I’m so familiar with now in a different way. In this photoshoot I want to challenge myself to see the place in a different way, as well as show through the photographs that through a limited space we can still seek for the beauty within it, even if we are used to it.

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