Photo shoot 5

All these images are from Tamara Lichtenstein’s collection on Flickr page.

mood board

For my 5th photoshoot the photographs are going to be taken in multiple places, the first place being on the 5 mile road, focusing on a model being in the middle of the road with a cloudy sky like the images in the top left hand corner of the mood board.

My photos

I am happy with the way this shoot came out however I waited to long for the sun to go down and find the images too dark, when it comes to the editing process I am going to make them brighter and more vibrant to emphasize the sunset more as the camera didn’t capture it well, I plan on editing these images on Lightroom and possibly photoshop.

The second place I am going to be taking the photos is on St. Brelardes beach whilst the sky is getting darker my models will be in dresses on the sand with the sea behind them I am going to bring with me a portable light to illuminate them allowing the photographs to be clear whilst the photos are being taken, I am also going to experiment with using coloured gel film over the top of the light to create a coloured effect like Tamara Lichtenstein does which is seen in the bottom of the mood board.

My photos

With this photoshoot I really struggled with the lighting in the sense that the lamp I bought didn’t light up enough of the water so you can’t really tell it was taken on a beach, I am pleased with the way the colored gel lit up red and was really effective, another issue I had was trying to adjust the camera to allow as much light in without it being so shaky,I should have used a tripod to capture these images.

The third place I am going to be taking photos is in a bathroom using coloured light to create a moody setting of the photographs I am going to do self portraits using a tripod of me and my identical twin sister in between a shower screen to create a mirrored effect this is going to be an interpretation of one of Tamara Lichtenstein photos where she has mesh fabric over one of her models creating an almost mirrored effect. I will also be taking photos of my friends together looking in the same direction into the camera and come in a car with clouds of smoke.

My photos

I am pleased with the outcome of this shoot I find the images eye catching and I think with some editing done to them they would be really strong I created the red light by placing red gel plastic in front of the light I was using. The top photo looks like a person has been duplicated as me and my twin sister are both looking the same way, the other images were taken in a shower focusing on the male gaze and how women can be seen showering through the gaze.

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