A lot of these images are charming because of the colours in them. The sandy, warm tones of the architecture alludes to the exotic nature of the city and transports the viewer back in time to when these ancient buildings were originally built. Therefore, I chose to edit these images accordingly and to use a black and white filter fairly minimally. To create this effect, I used much the same edits throughout – lowering exposure slightly and increasing shadows to create an even tone, adding saturation very slightly and warming the image, and adding a slight vignette and increasing texture a little. I’ve included some examples below.

This is the original image. I felt that the colours were a bit bland because of the shadow so I wanted to brighten it as well as make the people’s faces clearer.
In the final image, you can see that I have increased exposure and warmth to make a brighter and more vibrant composition.

In the original image, I liked the light and composition but I think it needed more vibrancy again
Therefore, I again increased contrast and warmth which made a more warm image.

I copy and pasted edit settings for a lot of these images as I felt that they worked well for most of them.