statement of intent

For my exam I am going to make links to Nancy Honey and Tamara Lichtenstein, and tying in the exam topic observe seek and challenge. I am going to take my images in they style of the male gaze which can also be turned into the idea for empowering women on making themselves comfortable when they feel vulnerable, which links to the observe and challenge part of the exam board theme, as I am observing in the way women are seen in media and in general though men and then challenging that by letting females feel empowered by the way they are seen and making people comfortable around a camera as it isn’t objectifying them as it is capturing beauty.

I am going to experiment with lighting to try create shadows I am going to do this by using lights and lamps which I have at home, I am going to do multiple shoots in different locations to construct the idea of adventure and seeking new places.

For this final project, I would like to present my study in a photo book form. As a result of this, I intend to produce many photoshoots so that I will have a large variety of images that I can pick from. This means that, I would roughly need a minimum of 30 final images to create my book. I have plans to begin my study for this project as soon as possible to allow me the most amount of time to compete it.

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