Photoshoot 2

For this photoshoot I was inspired by Eric Pickersgill, though I took a different turn on his style there is definitely a resemblance of our images. I tried to follow the aspect of a dystopian society but is contrasting with my First photoshoot.

For this photoshoot I decided to do it at 3pm when the sun was radiating so I could use the natural lighting, I did this photoshoot with five female models, taking images of them on their mobile phones around my front garden. I chose this setting as my garden is surrounded by nature such as plants, ponds and creatures such as rabbits and birds. The idea behind this photoshoot was for the female models to ignore the nature that surrounds them and for all of their attention to be on their devices. I took various images such as the girls sat on a bench in front of a pond. One of the models on a swing with her full concentration being on her phone. 3 of the girls sat with a rabbit but again only looking at their phones, One of the models looking at online images of nature while oblivious that they are surrounded by similar surroundings, and multiple more.

In conclusion I am very happy with how this photoshoot came out as I feel that it really captures todays society of technology and the ignorance of people when they are surrounded by nature.

Final edited images

I edited all of the images below using Lightroom classic which helped produce the tones that I was looking for in this photoshoot. To edit these sets of images I mainly played with the contrast, shadows and highlights to get the vibrance from the nature in the background but to also make the main focal point the female models on their mobile devices which overall really conveys a powerful message in my opinion of the rejection of nature in todays society and how we often neglect the beauty of it.

Image comparison with Eric Pickersgill

The image that I made and developed on the left was produced to share some similarities with Eric Pickersgills image on the right. The similarities between our images include a female model surrounded by nature with their pure focus on their mobile phones. There are many differences in our style of work though such as how Pickersgill more than often produces his images in purely black and white and gets his models to pretend that they have a mobile phone in their hand even though its not there, compared to my image with is in colour since I wanted to show the beauty of the nature in the background with the female model actually holding her physical mobile phone. My reasoning for not following Pickersgills exact methods as I felt that this would not work in my photobook due me wanting to present the image more straight forward which would of enviably been easier to convey my ideas.

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