These images were taken during a night out with the girls that started with a car wash which led to going out clubbing. This photoshoot was to reflect this idea of ‘girlhood’ and the stereotypical view of how girls present themselves for a night out, specifically for the male gaze. In these images there are a range of portraits of girls getting ready and girls challenging the stereotype with knowledge about cars. During the editing process I kept the aesthetic of the digital camera, reinforcing the style of my artist reference Nancy Honey. Honey photographed this idea of ‘girlhood’ in a sense documenting how femininity is expressed through female identity. During the process of editing the pictures, I adjusted the tone of the images to more cooler blues and purples, which has connotations of calm, relaxed, and reserved, then warmer yellow tones.

Furthermore, I adjusted the images to cool tones in order to fit with the previous photoshoot editing style. However I also intend to edit the previous photoshoot with more warmer tones so there can be a contrast between warm and cool tones in the editing style. This photoshoot easily adjusted to the cooler tones as some of these images were taken in the dark, and moreover the coloured clothes of the girls simply works with the cool undertone of the image.

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