Photoshoot plan- Frogging



  • What– The objects I will photograph are swampy areas therefore I couldn’t help to capture water in these swamps, with leaves, algae, water plants etc.
  • Who- My main goal is to capture frogs, therefore although I might include pictures of the surrounding habitat as well as documenting the trip, I plan to produce images mostly of frogs.
  • Where– Near Wayne, there are natural ponds, where I have been honoured to join on a documentary trip, with my friends dad who needs to look after them as they are endangered.
  • When– We would have to go when it gets quite dark to see them better but to also skip the crowd. in the dark, when using a torch it is easier to see underneath the water, and that is what we will need to do.
  • How– using the digital camera I will have to use flash as it will be very dark and except from a camera flash we have a limited amounts of torches.
  • Why– It will be a great adventure and will get me out of my comfort zone, as I never had to do something like this before, I also think that the outcomes will be quite discovery photographs, which link to my main idea of adventure and travel.

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