I have begun to make selections across my photoshoots to find the ones that are worth editing, as I have nearly 2,000 images and cannot possibly edit them all.

Using the ‘Flag as picked’ and ‘Flag as rejected’ tools in Lightroom, I am able to pick out the images I would like to edit, which I can then filter later on. I am choosing the best images based on their aesthetic quality and their relevance to my overall intentions.
For Amsterdam, I picked a total of 54 images for editing.
For Athens, I picked a total of 80 images for editing.
For Edinburgh, I picked a total of 21 images for editing.
For London, I picked a total of 4 images for editing.
For New York, I picked a total of 59 images for editing.
For Paris, I picked a total of 32 images for editing.
From the plane journeys, I picked a total of 24 images for editing.
For St Malo, I picked a total of 43 images for editing.
For York, I picked a total of 30 images for editing.
That makes a total of 347 images.