Observe, Seek and Challenge- Photoshoot 1

For my first photoshoot, I decided to take pictures at home. I wanted a simple wall as the backsdrop with some bigger and smaller components to act as props around me. I took both self- portraits as well as photos of the room itself, showing a contrast between place and person.

I think this photoshoot links in with the theme by producing an indirect observation of my thoughts and feelings- linking to hysteria through the unnerving vibe of the photographs. It also challenges the stereotypical views of femininity and mental illness, openly showing feelings that tend to be hidden.

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Sub- Selection

These are the photos I believe are the strongest, in terms of composition and fitting in with my project. These are mostly likely the raws I will be editing into black and white, and cropping them to improve the composition (e.g: cropping out the door frame present in some shots).

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