Use this simplified list to check that you are on task. Every item on the list represents one piece of work = one blog post. It is your responsibility as an A-level student to make sure that you complete and publish appropriate blog posts each week.

2024 PHOTOGRAPHY EXAM PLANNER | Photography 2024 Exam (

Examination dates: 15 hrs controlled test over 3 days
Group 13A: 22. 25 & 26 April
Group 13B: 23, 29 & 30 April


Each week you are required to make a photographic response (still-images and/or moving image) that relates to the research and work that you explored in that week. Sustained investigations means taking a lot of time and effort to produce the best you can possibly do – reviewing, modifying and refining your idea and taking more pictures to build up a strong body of work with a clear sense of purpose and direction


WEEK 1: 19-25 Feb
1. RESEARCH 1: Mind-map and mood-board

WEEK 2: 26 Feb-3 March
1. RESEARCH 2: Case studies > Artists References (at least two) < overview > context > analysis > meaning

WEEK 3: 4-10 March
1. Statement of Intent
2. PLANNING: 3 photo-shoots > ideas > intentions > response to artists studies

Week 4+5: 11-24 MarchStudy Leave
1. EDITING: Photoshoot 1
2. EXPERIMENTING: Develop images in postproduction using creative processes > techniques > manipulation relevant to your intention
3. EVALUATING: Photoshoot 1 and experimentation > reflect > review responses > compare with artists references
4. HOMEWORK: RECORDING > Photo-shoot 1+2
> camera handling > composition > lighting
Deadline: Mon 25 March – first day back in school

MOCK EXAM: Mon 25 March
5 hours controlled test
Rules: You will have access to the blog to produce blog posts, BUT no access to the internet. No use of mobile phones. No talking to each other or ask teachers for help.

Work to be done:
EDIT IMAGES: Using either Lightroom/ Photoshop produce blog posts with clear evidence of image selection, adjustments and experimentation.
PRESENTATION OF IMAGES: Imagine working towards a final outcome and also produce mock-ups in Photoshop showing how you wish to present your images, ie. singles/ diptych/ triptychs/ grids in window mounts or on foamboard with or without borders.
VIRTUAL GALLERY: Select images from our folder below of empty gallery walls/ spaces and create a virtual display of your images using Photoshop to resize images to fit using templates here: M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\EXAM 2024\Gallery mock-ups
MOUNTING FINAL PRINTS: Present final prints from your Personal Study project on foamboard/ window mounts and put in your coursework folder. Make sure it has a label and velcro on the back. You may want to take make sure that you produced evidence on the blog of how you planned to present your final prints.

Week 6-8: 25 March – 14 April – Easter Break
1. EDITING: Photoshoot 1+2
2. EXPERIMENTING: Develop images in postproduction using creative processes > techniques > manipulation relevant to your intention
3. EVALUATING: Photoshoot 1+2 and experimentation < reflect > review responses > compare with artists references

HOMEWORK (Easter): RECORDING > Photoshoots 3-5
< refine > modify > improve > re-visit shoot 1 and 2
Deadline: Mon 15 April

Week 9: 15-21 April
1. EDITING: Photoshoots 3-5 from Easter
2. EXPERIMENTING: Develop images in postproduction using creative processes > techniques > manipulation relevant to your intention
3. EVALUATING: Photoshoots and experimentation
> reflect > review responses > compare with artists references
4. PHOTOBOOK: Begin design and layout of photobook in LR
5. FILM: Begin editing process in Premiere/ Audition
6. PRINTS: Select images and save in print folder here (ready for Day 1: 22 & 23 April of the exam)

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\YR13 Exam

Week 8: 22-30 April – EXAM
Group 13A: 22, 25 & 26 April
Group 13B: 23, 29 & 30 April

Rules: No use of mobile phones. No talking to each other or ask teachers for help.

You will have access to the blog to produce blog posts, BUT no access to the internet.

The blog will only be available for you to access during exam times each day between 09:00 – 15:20. In other words, you will not be able to make any changes/ improve work outside of exam times.

It essential therefore, that you have done must of the preparatory work – research/ artist case studies/ photo-shoots/ evidence of creativity, development and experimentation of images – before the exam period begins on day 1.

Work to be done
1. PRINTS: Final selection of images in print folder above (ready by end of Day 1 22 & 23 April of the Exam)
2. PRESENTATION: Complete mounting all final prints
3. VIRTUAL GALLERY: Present final images using templates here: M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\EXAM 2024\Gallery mock-ups
3. PHOTOBOOK: Complete design and evaluate
4. BLOG: Review and complete all supporting blogposts
5. FOLDER: Label all final outcomes and put in Exam folder
6. SIGN: Student authentication form

Follow the 10 Step Process and create multiple blog posts for each unit to ensure you tackle all Assessment Objectives thoroughly :

  1. Mood-board, definition and introduction (AO1)
  2. Mind-map of ideas (AO1)
  3. Artist References / Case Studies (must include image analysis) (AO1)
  4. Photo-shoot Action Plan (AO3)
  5. Multiple Photoshoots + contact sheets (AO3)
  6. Image Selection, sub selection, review and refine ideas (AO2)
  7. Image Editing/ manipulation / experimentation (AO2)
  8. Presentation of final outcomes (AO4)
  9. Compare and contrast your work to your artist reference(AO1)
  10. Evaluation and Critique (AO1+AO4)


  • Add your images to the print folder here…

File Handling and printing...

  • Remember when EXPORTING from Lightroom you must adjust the file size to 1000 pixels on the Short edge for “blog-friendly” images (JPEGS)
  • BUT…for editing and printing when EXPORTING from Lightroom you must adjust the file size to Short edge for “high resolution” images (JPEGS) like this…
  • A5 Short Edge = 14.8 cm
  • A4 Short Edge = 21.0 cm
  • A3 Short Edge =29.7 cm

This will ensure you have the correct ASPECT RATIO

Ensure you label and save your file in you M :Drive and then copy across to the PRINT FOLDER / IMAGE TRANSFER

For a combination of images, or square format images you use the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP NEW DOCUMENT + PRINT PRESETS on to help arrange images on the correct size page (A3, A4, A5)

You can do this using Photoshop, Set up the page sizes as templates and import images into each template, then you can see for themselves how well they fit… but remember to add an extra 6mm for bleed (3mm on each side of the page) to the original templates. i.e. A4 = 297mm x 210 but the template size for this would be 303mm x 216mm.

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