Statement of Intent

Our exam project themes are Observe, Seek, Challenge. I’ve chosen to study the theme of Seek and explore abandoned and derelict locations. My interpretation of the theme seek will be trying to find and pick out places that have been left to sit by themselves, places that aren’t put to use anymore. For example the bunkers around Jersey, the abandoned hospital, the derelict places along the railway walk. I’ve chosen to photograph these things as I think it’s interesting to seek these places but also fid out the background history of them; why have they been abandoned? How long have they been sat there? Who left them like this?

Above is a mood board of photos that would be ideal for my project. I am taking inspiration from images like this, however, it may be difficult to have as interesting outcomes as those images as Jersey doesn’t have a lot of places that are particularly ‘abandoned’. Although, there is quite a few derelict areas such as, from all the bunkers that aren’t in use anymore to houses that have either not been finished getting built or have no one living in them and are boarded up. These sorts of locations I plan on photographing and experimenting with different angles ect.

In terms of composition for my photos, I will be carefully framing my images from different heights and angles, however I won’t be arranging anything as I want to photograph places how they have been left; showing the conditions they have been abandoned in. As my photos will be all based outside, if not outside then inside a building, either way I won’t be using the photo studio for any of my images. Therefore, my photos will all be taken in natural lighting, no staged images.

I plan on leaving all my images in colour, rather then in black and white, however I will edit my images to correct parts of them. Ideally, I want to present my final images in a photobook.

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