In my exam project in the terms of the theme Observe, Seek, and Challenge, I intend to explore the binary opposition of how femininity is viewed through the male gaze vs the female gaze. I intend to explore this idea of ‘Girlhood‘ which is a project created by Justine Kurland, which I had explored in a previous photography project, in which girls are presented in a hyper feminine way and reinforcing stereotypes in what ‘femininity’ is. Femininity is defined as ‘qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women or girls’ which can be challenged in the gender fluid society we now live in. Gender fluidity is part of Judith Butlers Gender Trouble theory, which argues that femininity can be presented through males and females, it is a behaviour a person can present, not a biological factor. Which challenges the dominant views that only woman can be feminine, and they are also perceived as feminine through society. To reinforce this idea in my project I intend to create a photoshoot which presents woman as more masculine which would be presented as more; confident, assertive, independent, and daring, in perhaps a dark feminine aesthetic. More so, I will be exploring my key researched artists Nancy Honey, and Cindy Sherman, which explore how femininity is presented through a patriarchal society through establishing an empowering movement of woman, through the female gaze and how woman empower each other. Honey does this by highlighting how femininity can be presented at a young age; girls exploring makeup, girls singing through a microphone, and dying their hair, this can also reinforce this idea of a teenage girlhood fantasy which I aim to portray in my work. Furthermore, I will be ‘observing‘ femininity through a hyper-realistic way in the gaze of Cindy Sherman, which is a highly influential feminist. She explores femininity in youth and challenges the dominant stereotype of beauty standards and behaviour’s woman are assumed to portray in society. 

I wish to develop my project into a photobook, presenting images of teenage girlhood, and portraying the life of teenage girls. I will be taking inspiration of Kurland’s photobook ‘Girl Pictures’ which highlights femininity within teenage girl lives. In my photobook I intend to show hyper-femininity and how society had created stereotypes that are still considered presently. Furthermore, I intend to present how woman follow these stereotypes in present society and how it has ultimately affected woman in society. Furthermore, my photobook will be a representation of teenage femininity and what young girls experience in a patriarchal society and the male gaze, which can damage the psyche of humanity. In matters to present images especially the topic of femininity and the concept of stereotypes and counter types in order to show the difference between the real world and the hyper-reality society created which overall clearly shows society as post modernistic supporting Jean Baudrillard’s theory. Within the photobook I will be presenting the contrast between the stereotypical ideologies of what girls are supposed to act like and the beauty standards they should follow in order to belong is society vs how girls actually present themselves and behave in society without the restraint that society has of woman. In terms of presenting the book, I am still unsure whether the orientation will be portrait or landscape, however I plan on presenting my images by having the most relevant images on the right, and the less relevant, fill in photos, on the left. This is due to the right side getting more recognition in photobooks, as it tends to be the page which draws the viewer into viewing the book. 

As a female in today’s society this project matters to present the ongoing sexual division and superiority. This project could be seen as a subtle protest for gender equality and how women are still viewed by men, in terms of the male gaze sexualising woman, despite all equality acts. I intend to try and create 5 photoshoots in total inspired by Cindy Sherman, Justine Kurland, and Nancy Honey. I plan on doing these shoots spaced out throughout the month before the exam date which gives me time to prepare and allow myself to see if any of the shoot need to be re-done.  

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