Statement of Intent

  • What do you want to explore?

I plan to explore Masculinity, Androgyny and Femininity using the male and female gazes.

  • Why does it matter to you?

I personally experiment with gender all the time, as I am fluid within my gender and I feel as though it could be fun to represent my thought process within gender through photography whilst using other people.

  • How do you wish to develop your project?

As I said, I experiment with gender and would like to represent this using different people dressed in a “masculine” or “feminine” manner. I have a group of friends who would be willing to dress up and wear makeup to be part of this project.

  • When and where do you intend to begin your study?

Most of my shoots will be in a studio, as it’s a controlled condition and I want the people to feel comfortable during the shoot no matter what, my main concern in the sense of the people is making sure that they feel like they can express themselves and have fun while doing it.

Throughout the years, many photographers have experimented with gender in their work and in this project I will only be using a couple of them to help me develop my outcomes. Not only will I be delving into Masculinity & Femininity but also going against typical gender stereotypes that have been around for many years, especially if it was acceptable to do certain things in the past that are now unacceptable or frowned upon by a large group of people.

Using the key work OBSERVE, I will use the male and female gazes to view (observe) each gender from each gaze. Gaze has become a familiar term to describe a particular way of looking at, perceiving and understanding the world, in my project, I will be looking into the voyeuristic gaze which describes how men view women and women view men. I think it will be interesting to see how each gender view both the other and their own in the eyes of everyone else.

In reference to SEEK, I will be asking the people to photograph images of the other people in the group to explore and look for (seek) how they view the genders and gender stereotypes. I will enjoy seeing how everyone views how certain genders should present themselves and show the diversity of ideas in young people.

The final word CHALLENGE will be the most experimental, I would like to delve into gender stereotypes and go against (challenge) them, for example, have someone who would be perceived as “feminine” dress in a “masculine” manner and vice versa. This could be a great opportunity to experiment and have fun with this project as experimenting with gender should be fun.

Overall, I would like my project to be a way to experiment and have fun with gender while also using the voyeuristic gaze to present these images. This project while being fun, will reflect my own view on my gender and gender stereotypes, making this something I feel quite passionate about.

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