Observe, Seek, Challenge: Initial Ideas



  1. a person who watches or notices something: ”to a casual observer, he was at peace.
  2. a person who follows events closely and comments publicly on them.”some observers expect interest rates to rise”
  3. a person posted in an official capacity to an area to monitor political or military events.”elections scrutinized by international observers”

SYNONYMS: spectator, onlooker, watcher, voyeur, looker-on, fly on the wall, viewer, witness, eyewitness, bystander, sightseer, commentator, onlooker, reporter, blogger, monitor.



  1. attempt to find (something):“they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds”
    Synonyms: look for, be on the lookout for, search for, try to find, look about for.
  2. attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something):“the new regime sought his extradition” · “her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom”
    Synonyms: pursue, go after, go for, try, attempt, endeavour, strive
  3. ask for (something) from someone:“he sought help from the police”
    SIMILAR: ask for, request solicit, call on, invite, entre, beg for
  4. (SEEK SOMEONE/SOMETHING OUT) search for and find someone or something: “it’s his job to seek out new customers”
    SIMILAR: discover, detect find (out), unearth, uncover, disinte



  1. a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength: “he accepted the challenge”
    Synonyms: dare, provocation, summons
  2. a call to prove or justify something: “a challenge to the legality of the banning order”
    Synonyms: opposition, defiance, ultimatum, confrontation with.


  1. invite (someone) to engage in a contest: “he challenged one of my men to a duel” · “organizations challenged the government in by-elections”
    Synonyms: dare, summon, invite, bid, throw down the gauntlet, to defy someone to do something
  2. dispute the truth or validity of: “it is possible to challenge the report’s assumptions”
    Synonyms: question, take exception to, confront, dispute, take issue with




OBSERVE: I want to create photographs as a form of observation; observing individuals like my friends and documenting them in a way that captures teenage life. I also want to explore capturing photographs of my family and nostalgic environments to communicate a sense of myself, drawing upon the previous nostalgia project.

SEEK: I will explore the ‘seek’ aspect of the project theme through the concept of teenage life. Drawing upon past projects of identity and femininity vs. masculinity, I want to show exploration of finding yourself during your teenage years and finding a sense of belonging within friendships. I will explore aspects of exploration and disguise through documenting teenage girls challenging elements of the male gaze.

CHALLENGE: Through my project I could aim to challenge gender stereotypes; particularly those directed upon girls and femininity. Challenging these stereotypes by creating sets of images showing typical views of femininity on teenage girls contrasting against atypical behaviours which oppose these ideas of femininity.

One thought on “Observe, Seek, Challenge: Initial Ideas”

  1. Hannah, make sure that publish 2 artists case studies and also produce 2 photoshoots/ photographic responses before you return on Monday 25 March for Mock exam

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