Observe, Seek, Challenge



  1. a person who watches or notices something. “to a casual observer, he was at peace.
  2. a person who follows events closely and comments publicly on them.”some observers expect interest rates to rise”
  3. a person posted in an official capacity to an area to monitor political or military events. “elections scrutinized by international observers”

‘Observe’ within Photography

”The Art of Observation: Observation lies at the heart of street photography. It goes beyond just seeing; it involves truly looking and actively seeking out the details that make a scene come alive.”

Observation involves immersing ourselves in listening and looking, taking in sounds, sights, and smells in a careful, unbiased manner. It is a key attribute of any seasoned photographer; the difference between an average photo and one that speaks to an audience in a meaningful way. From nature to urban spaces to people and objects, there are many key takeaways that artists can find by observing surroundings. Taking note of direction of light, softness of shadows, and featured colours can lead to a successful finished product.



  1. attempt to find (something):“they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds”
  2. attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something):“the new regime sought his extradition” · “her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom”
  3. ask for (something) from someone: “he sought help from the police”

‘Seek’ within Photography

”Seek” in the context of photography signifies a purposeful action of actively searching for subjects, moments, or compositions to capture. It implies a proactive approach to photography, where the photographer is not merely a passive observer but an engaged seeker of visual opportunities. By seeking out interesting subjects, unique angles, or compelling moments, photographers can create impactful and meaningful images that tell a story or evoke emotions.



  1. a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength: “he accepted the challenge”
  2. a call to prove or justify something: “a challenge to the legality of the banning order”


  1. invite (someone) to engage in a contest:“he challenged one of my men to a duel” · “organizations challenged the government in by-elections”
  2. dispute the truth or validity of: “it is possible to challenge the report’s assumptions”

Challenge’ within Photography

”Challenge” in the context of photography, it represents an opportunity for growth and exploration. Challenges in photography can come in various forms, such as capturing difficult lighting conditions, mastering complex techniques, or finding unique perspectives in familiar subjects. Embracing these challenges can push photographers to expand their skills, creativity, and vision. Encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and experiment with new approaches. Overcoming these challenges can lead to personal and artistic development, resulting in photographs that are more impactful and visually compelling.

Mood Boards




Mind map

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