Final exam project mind map and mood board

Observe, seek and challenge


-Notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant


-Attempt to find something, the desire to obtain or achieve (something).


-A call to prove or justify something, to dispute the truth or validity of.

Exam paper pages 4&5

I read through this article and underlined quotes of information I thought was interesting and useful. This includes ideas for the theme of our project but also artists who I want to look into. The route of my idea started from the starting quote I picked out from this article. ‘The human desire to seek and explore the unknown has driven artists to look for fresh inspiration’. The words ‘explore the unknown’ instantly made me think of abandoned buildings, prehistoric places in Jersey, stone circles ect.

The theme of ‘seek’ has interested me the most as I feel there’s a lot of topics to explore under it, for example, religion, unknown places, childhood, caves, street art/ murals and so on. I think the main topics of my project will be abandoned buildings, showing how nature has taken over forgotten/rundown places and possibly secret locations that are less known, although this might be hard in Jersey as it’s a small island and most places have been explored. However, I am going to experiment with this and see what I come up with.

Mind map

I created a Mind map with a range of ideas on to pinpoint all the possible topics I could explore. This opened up my ideas more.

Mood board

I created a mood board for the general theme of ‘observe, seek, challenge’. It is made up of a number of images representing different themes such as identity, social public, places of worship, location/travel, abandoned buildings, discrimination, stereotypes, animals ect.

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