Research Notes – ‘These Haunted Islands’, Chris Lake


“Neolithic monuments are spiritual generators linked to each other by psychic energy radiating across the countryside in a network of invisible rays … lines of kinetic force, emanating from the forgotten extra-sensory powers of a prehistoric people.”

Megalithic Remains connected by Ley-Lines

  • Table des Marthes
  • Blanche Banque
  • Tumulus
  • La Mont Ube
  • La Blanche Pierre
  • Highfield
  • La Hougue Bie
  • La Pouquelaye de Faldouet
  • Moulin de Bas
  • Pierre de la Fetelle
  • Les Mont Grantez
  • Green Island
  • La Pouquelaye de Pas

Faldouet Dolmen

1981+82 – complaints to local clergyman around the area detailed feelings of something evil coming from the dolmen.

Clergyman was also the diocesian exorcist – performed two previous full-scale exorcisms at the dolmen that did not seem to work.

He found evidence of a witches black mass involving sacrifice and an inverted crucifix – there is the possibility that these witches harnessed the power of one of three ley-lines that run into the dolmen.

Proof that witches still work today and there is some kind of connection between them and the pagan history revolving around these ancient burial sites.

Rhyme detailing the legend of sacrifice

Significance of the Crapaud (Toad)

The toad was used in many ways as their shapes resmble that of a woman in labour. Small statues were carried by women as a form of protection from miscarriage or as a way for the beholder to remain fertile.

“Toad’s meat was eaten until recently to invoke labour pains, toad’s blood was used as an aphrodisiac and dry toads were hung up to protect the house from all evil. Such beliefs suggest a benevolent goddess, but the toad as a nocturnal and mysterious creature can cause madness, can take away the milk and suck the blood from humans while they sleep.” ~ Marija Gimbutas in: The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe, 7000 – 3500 BC (1974)

Grimoires – the Devil Books

Le P’tit Albaert + Le Grand Albaert

The content of these books themselves are not evil but it is how you try to use them. Information within them included ways of understanding human reproduction, and cures for plague or flu. But they also contained advice on conjuring spirits, and reaching out and using the dark powers of the Unknown.

Clavicula Salomonia (Key of Solomon)

Contains the formula for raising spirits with full detail and elaborate diagrams, as well as warnings as to what should happen if anything went wrong. If a single word or symbol was out of place, the conjuror will allow himself to be controlled. It is also likely that if this happens, their mind could be ripped to pieces by the untamed spirit.

Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of the Witches)

A DIY guide to witch hunting written in 1484 by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger. Backed up by an anti-heretic and anti-witch Bull issued by Pope Innocent VIII, and used by Martin Luther and John Calvin.

4 Essential Points of Witchcraft

  • The renunciation of the Catholic Faith
  • The devotion of the body and soul to the services of evil
  • The offering of unbaptised children to the Devil
  • Engaging in orgies (including intercourse with Satan)

Witches were believed to have the ability to change shape and fly across the skies – making them almost impossible to discover.

The book advocated the torture of accused witches until they confess. Forced confessions however did not stop the torture until the names of fellow satanists were revealed.


Letter written by Burgomaster Junius of Bamberg to his daughter dated July 24 1628

Extract from court records of the confession of Isabel Becquet who was burned as a witch on July 4 1617

Methods of Interrogation

QUESTIONS: all leading questions

  • How old were you when the Devil first appeared to you?
  • Why did you choose to become a witch?
  • Who are the children on whom you have cast a spell?
  • When did you first attend the Sabbat?
  • Which demon did you choose to be your lover?

The Devil’s Mark

The accused were pricked by a long pin all across there body until a point was found that did not bleed or seem to cause the victim any pain. The court was then told that the ‘mark’ had been found.

The Devil’s Pap

A third teat found on the accused’s body thought to be used to suck a Devil’s familiar (appearing commonly in the form of a cat, toad or crow)

The Witch Trials

Jean Morant and Pasquette Le Vesconte – both imprisoned in Mont Orgueil Castle and confessed to be witches

Si tais si maychante, j’enviethai cherche Marie Tourgis (If you’re such a bad girl, I’ll send for Marie Tourgis)

Phrase used by mother’s to scare their children into behaving


Objects made of hempen thread, twisted with feathers and bound together by clay. – the objects were cursed and placed close to the victim, often in the bed chambers and under their pillows/mattresses.

Reports of 44 spells being placed in a child’s room and found by his mother.

Court Proclamation against the seeking of help from sorcerers

Court Records from Simon Vauldin’s Trial – 10/10/1591

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