Photoshoot Plan 1

Understanding the works of witchcraft in the island begins by finding an understanding its ancient heritage – looking at evidence from nearly 4,000 years ago. In Jersey, we have a rich neolithic and megalithic past with ancient burial grounds (dolmens) and large standing stones (menhirs) possible used for to establish a spiritual connection.

When conducting research into this part of history, I read Chris Lake’s “These Haunted Islands” (Jersey, 1986); in which Lake displays a map of the island displaying ley-lines running across it. These spiritual passageways have been proven to connect all megalithic remains on the island, with the most prominent being at La Pouquelaye de Faldouet. Therefore, I want to make a series of images of this dolmen and others in the East of the island that are connected by these ley-lines.

Photoshoot Info

  • DAY: Saturday 2nd March

La Mont Ube, Blanche Pierre, Highfield, La Pouquelaye de Faldouet

  • TIME: Afternoon/Evening (13:30-18:30)
  • STYLE: Typology Techniques used by Bernd and Hiller Becher – tripod

Camera Settings

  • SHUTTER SPEED: 1/250
  • APERTURE: F9.0
  • ISO: 200
  • WHITE BALANCE: Custom White Balance
  • Format: RAW

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