Final Exam Project – Observe, Seek, Challenge

Initial Ideas

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Best or most significant ideas highlighted


Words that come up after looking at these images linked to “OBSERVE”

  • Lens culture
  • Human gaze
  • Eye
  • Mirrors
  • Magnification
  • Expedition
  • Discovery
  • Exploration

Words that come up after looking at these images linked to “SEEK”

  • Search
  • Games
  • Hide/Hidden
  • Exploration
  • Shadows
  • Camouflage
  • Darkness

Words that come up after looking at these images linked to “CHALLENGE”

  • Difficult
  • Competition
  • Complex
  • Obscure
  • Abstract

Idea Mood-board

The difficulty of following a generic paranormal past for the island is that there is almost too much information to gather and the majority of that would be speculation. Therefore, I want to base my project around the islands connection to witchcraft and explore the relationship between christianity and paganism – the battle that began the darkest era of the island’s history.

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